Quotation marks in English Wikipedia

A line-break should not be allowed between the en-dash and the first word of the quotation. In Noh books it is used to mark the beginning of each character’s (or the chorus’) parts. Japanese punctuation marks are usually “full width” (that is, occupying an area that is the same as the surrounding characters). The following are commonly suggested typographical styles; however, they are rarely carried out in practice and often only used when necessary.

  • In narrative, it is usually enclosed in quotation marks,[3] but it can be enclosed in guillemets (« ») in some languages.
  • It is sometimes desirable to force a text segment to appear entirely on a single line‍—‌that is, to prevent a line break (line wrap) from occurring anywhere within it.
  • Create redirects from alternative capitalization and spelling forms of article titles, and from alternative names, e.g., Adélie Penguin, Adelie penguin, Adelie Penguin and Pygoscelis adeliae should all redirect to Adélie penguin.
  • Quotation marks[A] are punctuation marks used in pairs in various writing systems to identify direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase.
  • Always use present tense for verbs that describe genres, types, and classes, even if the subject of the description (e.g. program, library, device) no longer exists, is discontinued, or is unsupported/unmaintained.

Only use a capital letter in a quotation if one appears in the original text. Double quotation marks, or pairs of single ones, also represent the ditto mark. Alternatively, an en-dash followed by a (non-breaking) space can be used to denote the beginning of quoted speech, in which case the end of the quotation is not specifically denoted (see section Quotation dash below).

In English

When punctuating quoted passages, there are two commonly used styles (here called the “logical” style and the “aesthetic” style). The use of diacritics in non-English words is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Use generally depends on whether they appear in reliable English-language sources, though with some additional constraints imposed by site guidelines. Provide redirects from alternative forms that include or exclude diacritics.

In the TeX typesetting program, left double quotes are produced by typing two back-ticks (“) and right double quotes by typing two apostrophes (”). This is a continuation of a typewriter tradition of using ticks for opening quotation marks; see Quotation mark § Typewriters and early computers. Similar to the development of punctuation in Europe, there were varying types of judou marks. In Khoisan languages, and the International Phonetic Alphabet, a symbol that looks like the exclamation mark is used as a letter to indicate the postalveolar click sound (represented as q in Zulu orthography). In Unicode, this letter is properly coded as U+01C3 ǃ LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK and distinguished from the common punctuation symbol U+0021 !

Non-English terms

Unicode symbols are preferred over composed ASCII symbols for improved readability and accessibility. Keys for these symbols can be found at the bottom of the Source Editor. A serial comma (sometimes also known as an Oxford comma or Harvard comma) is a comma used immediately before a conjunction (and, or, nor) in a list of three or more items. If the original, untranslated text is available, provide a reference for it or include it, as appropriate.

In Solomon Islands Pidgin, the question can be between question marks since, in yes/no questions, the intonation can be the only difference. This is quite common in Spanish, where the use of bracketing question marks explicitly indicates the scope of interrogation. Oxford University Press and other presses such as Cambridge University Press are older than any North American university press. Oxford traces the founding of its press to the 16th century (as does Cambridge). However, both the University of Chicago and the University of Oxford made their style guides available to the public before competitors early in the 20th century, which helped ensure their influence since then. The guidelines were first set forth in 1937 by Kate L. Turabian—then the University of Chicago’s graduate school dissertation secretary—who wrote the pamphlet that became A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.

It is an enhanced version of AI Text Generator that provides more knowledge, fewer errors, improved reasoning skills, better verbal fluidity, and an overall superior performance. Due to the larger AI model, Genius Mode is only available via subscription to DeepAI Pro. It is an enhanced version of AI Chat that provides more knowledge, fewer errors, improved reasoning skills, better verbal fluidity, and an overall superior performance. AWS Global Passport helps ISVs navigate the complexities of globalization and accelerates go-to-market motions in the newly landed region of growth potential.

Sometimes usage will be influenced by other guidelines, such as § National varieties of English, which may lead to different choices in different articles. Some editors place two spaces after a period/full stop (see Sentence spacing); these are condensed to one space when the page is rendered, so it does not affect what readers see. Editors may choose whether to capitalize what follows, taking into consideration the existing practice and consistency with related articles. Generally, use a hyphen in compounded proper names of single entities. Here, the relationship is thought of as parallel, symmetric, equal, oppositional, or at least involving separate or independent elements. The components may be nouns, adjectives, verbs, or any other independent part of speech.

External links to article titles should have the title in quotes inside the link. The CS1 and CS2 citation templates do this automatically, and untemplated references should do the same. In strict analysis, they are distinct from contractions, which use an apostrophe (e.g., won’t, see § Contractions), and initialisms. An initialism is formed from some or all of the initial letters of words in a phrase. Below, references to abbreviations should be taken to include acronyms, and the term acronym to apply also to initialisms.

A given spelling was considered a misspelling only if it violated both the old and the new norms. These are introduced with the international symbol of parentheses (). However, their use is typically restricted to pure asides, rather than, as in English, to mark apposition. The IPA transcription attempts to reflect vowel reduction when not under stress. The sounds that are presented are those of the standard language; other dialects may have noticeably different pronunciations for the vowels.

Using too many quotes is incompatible with an encyclopedic writing style and may be copyright infringement, and so most of the content should be in the editor’s own words. Consider paraphrasing quotations into plain and concise text when appropriate (while being aware that close paraphrasing can still violate copyright). It is incorrect to put quotations in italics unless the material would be italicized for some other reason. Unlike American English, the period or other terminal punctuation is placed outside the quotation. As the example above demonstrates, the quotes are often used to mark the names of entities introduced with the generic word. With a question mark, the question mark should stay within the quotation marks if it pertains to the quote/dialogue.

Full point, full stop, or period

Using quotations accurately makes your essay more convincing and shows that you are able to use evidence to support your points. You can show that you understand which parts of the text are relevant to the point you are making if you are able to select the key parts. In the beginning of the novel Dickens establishes the details of Scrooge’s character for his reader by using a collection of negative verbs and powerful similes. In the beginning of the novel Dickens establishes the details of Scrooge’s character for his reader in a collection of negative verbs and powerful similes. This method allows you to use quotations in a precise way and select evidence carefully. In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the character of Scrooge is described as being “Hard and sharp as flint”.

For retention of an article’s established national variety of English (and potential reasons to change it), see § National varieties of English. Now, as the film prepares to premiere at Venice, Pavement is still riding the high of its second act — “Harness Your Hopes” went viral on TikTok once again earlier this year, and the band is playing a headlining slot at Chicago’s Riot Fest next month. Oh, and last year, Malkmus was also name-dropped in a little movie called “Barbie,” which is mentioned in “Pavements” with a sweet scene of the band meeting director Greta Gerwig and co-writer Noah Baumbach. When Alex Ross Perry set out to make a film about Pavement, he wanted it to be as absurd as some of the ’90s slacker band’s lyrics. For the indie director, known for “Listen Up Philip” and “Her Smell,” that meant pushing the very boundaries of what a film could be. The optional c.ai+ subscription unlocks additional benefits, including skipping waiting rooms, faster message generation (roughly 3x faster), access to an exclusive community channel, and early access to new features.

To be clear, you may sometimes need to mention the current name of the area (for example “in what is now France”), especially if no English name exists for that area in the relevant historical period. Excessive wikilinking (linking within Wikipedia) can result from trying too hard to avoid putting explanations in parenthetical statements, like the one that appeared earlier in this sentence. Do not introduce specialized words simply to teach them to the reader when more widely understood alternatives will do. When reference tags are used, a footnote list must be added, and this is usually placed in the References section, near the end of the article in the standard appendices and footers.

Exclamation mark

In character encoding terms, these characters are labeled unidirectional. However, most computer text-editing programs provide a “smart quotes” feature to automatically convert straight quotation marks into bidirectional punctuation, though sometimes imperfectly (see § Smart quotes). Generally, this smart quote feature is enabled by default, and it can be turned off in an “options” or “preferences” dialog. Some websites do not allow typographic quotation marks or apostrophes in posts. One can skirt these limitations, however, by using the HTML character codes or entities[43] or the other key combinations in the following table. In Windows, AutoHotkey scripts can be used to assign simpler key combinations to opening and closing quotation marks.

For detailed information about Chicago-style citations and references, visit the CMOS website and Citation Quick Guide. In general, Chicago-style citations use either an author-date format or numbered notes and a bibliography. Source citations involve the use of numbered notes and a bibliography, each styled and punctuated in a specific way, or author-date citations. Chicago’s citation style, like many of its other rules, goes back to the first edition and its focus on academic publishing. The Chicago Manual of Style is an American English style and usage guide published continuously by the University of Chicago Press since 1906. Today, it is used widely in many academic disciplines and is considered the standard for US style in book publishing.

This is especially important in articles that are about or contain material about living or recently deceased people (BLPs). Traditionally, English uses an overt complementizer that after a quotative verb to indicate indirect quotation, but it is also seen to prompt direct quotation in some English varieties like Indian English, Hong Kong English, and Kenyan English. If the sentence containing the dialogue is a question, then the question mark goes outside of the quotation marks. Note the placing of the comma after fear in the first example and of the

final full

stop in the second. These are not part of their quotations, and so the logical

view places them outside the quote marks, while the conventional view places

them inside, on the theory that a closing quote should always follow another

punctuation mark.

Verbs of saying are highly restricted in Australian languages and almost always immediately proceed the complement verb. As the above sentence involves a non-self quotation, à (he) and já (I) have different indices to show that they refer to different referents; only this interpretation is well-formed. The interpretation in which they share identical indices is ill-formed (i.e. ungrammatical), as indicated by the asterisk.

Most often, commas and periods go within the quotation marks, but there are some forms of punctuation and examples that go outside of the quotation marks. Utilize these tips to make sure that the punctuation of your dialogue is correct. Double quotation marks are used for direct quotations and titles of compositions such as books, plays, movies, songs, lectures and TV shows. They also can be used to indicate irony and introduce an unfamiliar term or nickname.

The staff at the Press soon decided that maintaining a consistent, professional style would be essential to streamlining the Press’s publishing across many disciplines, and drew up an initial style sheet that was circulated to the university community. Sometimes referred to by its acronym, CMOS (pronounced like “sea moss”), The Chicago Manual of Style is available both in print and online, for an annual subscription fee. A free Chicago style Q&A and other resources are also available to the public on the CMOS website. In this way, private publications could formally be printed using the old (or more generally, any convenient) orthography. The decree forbade the retraining of people previously trained under the old norm.

With quotation marks that are next to other punctuation marks, there are two main systems. They are called “American” and “British,” but some American writers and organizations use the British style and vice versa. Both systems have the same rules for question marks, exclamation points, colons, and semicolons. Where a word or phrase that includes terminal punctuation ends a sentence, do not add a second terminal punctuation mark. If a quoted phrase or title ends in a question mark or exclamation mark, it may confuse readers as to the nature of the article sentence containing it, and so is usually better reworded to be mid-sentence. Where such a word or phrase occurs mid-sentence, new terminal punctuation (usually a period) must be added at the end.

However, due to visual similarity, absence from historically common encodings such as Shift JIS and EUC-JP, and ease of input on a keyboard, it is often encountered written as U+FF1D = FULLWIDTH EQUALS SIGN. Maggin once accidentally signed his name with an exclamation due to the habit of using them when writing comic scripts; it became his professional name from then on.[61][62] Similarly, comic artist Scott Shaw! In Geek Code version 3, !” is used before a letter to denote that the geek refuses to participate in the topic at hand.

There can be few places that have not been parts of more than one culture or have had only one name. As proper nouns, all such place names (but not terms for types of places) have major words capitalized. Contracted titles such as Dr. and St generally should not be used but may apply in some contexts (e.g., quoted material, place names, titles of works). Some collective https://chat.openai.com/ nouns – such as team (and proper names of them), army, company, crowd, fleet, government, majority, mess, number, pack, and party – may refer either to a single entity or to the members that compose it. In British English, such words are sometimes treated as singular, but more often treated as plural, according to context (but singular is not actually incorrect).

Quotation mark

For an international encyclopedia, using vocabulary common to all varieties of English is preferable. Infoboxes, images, and related content in the lead section must be right-aligned. Perry wrote and directed the jukebox musical — his first foray into musical theater — which premiered off-Broadway in 2022 and starred Michael Esper, Zoe Lister-Jones and Kathryn Gallagher.

Use of quotation marks around simple descriptive terms can imply something doubtful regarding the material being quoted; sarcasm or weasel words such as supposedly or so-called, might be inferred. Typographical symbols and punctuation marks are marks and symbols used in typography with a variety of purposes such as to help with legibility and accessibility, or to identify special cases. For a far more comprehensive list of symbols and signs, see List of Unicode characters. For other languages and symbol sets (especially in mathematics and science), see below.

Cantonese has not historically used dedicated punctuation marks, rather relying on grammatical markers to denote the end of a statement. In article titles, do not use a hyphen (-) as a substitute for an en dash, for example in eye–hand span (since eye does not modify hand). Nonetheless, to aid searching and linking, provide a redirect with hyphens replacing the en dash(es), as in eye-hand span. Similarly, provide category redirects for categories containing dashes. When an en dash is being used as a separator in an article title or section heading, editors may choose whether to capitalize what follows, taking into consideration the existing practice and consistency with related articles. If the quoted sentence is followed by a clause identifying the speaker, use a comma outside the quotation mark instead of a full stop inside it, but retain any other terminal punctuation, such as a question mark.

It may be the same length as an em-dash, which is often used instead. Some software will allow a line break after an ordinary em-dash, but prevent it after a quotation dash. When corner brackets are being used for quotations, quote-within-quote segments are marked with white corner brackets. Chat GPT While there is no exclamation point in formal Japanese, it is very commonly used, especially in casual writing, fiction and manga. A space ( ) is any empty (non-written) zone between written sections. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. In Japanese, the space is referred to by the transliterated English name (スペース, supēsu).

Such fonts are therefore typographically incompatible with this German usage. Historically, „…“ (German-stlye quotes) was used in Latvian in the first half of 20th century. Other languages have similar conventions to English, but use different symbols or different placement. Digitally, it is correctly represented in Unicode as U+30A0 ゠ KATAKANA-HIRAGANA DOUBLE HYPHEN.

In British publications (and those throughout the Commonwealth of Nations more broadly), periods and commas are most often treated the same way, but usage varies widely. In American publications, periods and commas are usually placed inside the quotation marks regardless. The American system, also known as typographer’s quotation, is also common in Canadian English, and in fiction broadly. In a quotationclosequotationA group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker.