How to Increase Brand Awareness Using Social Media

In today’s marketing and advertising realm, your brand is the heartbeat of your business. If your company is fun and flirty, metrics-minded, or start-up centric, it won’t matter unless the essence of your brand is conveyed in every square inch of all communications relayed to your customers. You must be recognizable for who you are, what you can provide, and what you stand for. What better way to build this brand awareness amongst your audience than by utilizing the all-encompassing power of social media. But how? Easy – communicate.

Social media is built on the foundation of facilitating better communication amongst two or even 2,000 people. What was originally created to connect friends and college buddies, social media is now used as a tool to reach customers, potential customers, and future potential customers. Instead of being viewed as a solid building with robotic workers, companies are now able to take on a unique and tangible persona that embodies their brand. Getting your customers to connect with this virtual being is the first step in creating a brand awareness that will allow them to spend dollars and continue to do so well into the future.

Speak Their Language
The first thing to consider is how your content will be absorbed. Is your audience more visual or contextual? What will get their attention as opposed to making them quickly scroll past your content? Use the type of language that resonates with the demographics you’re targeting. Select images that will evoke a reaction in them. Be sure to stay within their parameters, if not, your attempts to interact will not reach them. Choosing your imagery and copy carefully and with a focus on your audience’s unique interest will showcase your own voice and what points your organization stands behind.

Be Vocal
Amongst all the noise online, it can be difficult to get a customer’s attention. Once you’re able to create a following based on your imagery and content, it’s time to use your words for good. Whatever the industry, cause, product, or service that pertains to your business, it’s important to use your brand’s voice to be vocal about issues that relate to your business as an effective way to create a personable identity. Be someone. Make your brand a person. Speak, discuss, advocate, encourage. Brand awareness begins with your voice.

Add Value and Relevancy
Securing a “follow” or a “like” doesn’t come easy these days. Customers want to gain something from your content – whether that’s a laugh, a nugget of knowledge, or a deal, is up to you. With little to no time for anything nowadays, social media enthusiasts are on these platforms to get in, get out, and move on. In the short time frame where you have their attention locked on, provide them with something of value. You already know they’re looking for it so show them that your brand is here to offer it. Your brand can be exactly what they’re seeking and through increased brand awareness, they will uncover that.

Wilson Alvarez is a Technology Evangelist residing in Miami, Florida. With extensive experience in his field, he educates his tribe (you) and enjoys taking his clients to the next level. Gallup says: Mr. Alvarez is an ActivatorFuturisticRelatorIdeation and a WOO!” If you are interested in taking your business to that next level via his Platform Builder may be the key to that path. You can also reach Wilson Alvarez at 888-945-7550.