Anxiety and Sobriety: Coping Strategies
Triggers for using drugs and alcohol typically are people, places, and things that remind you of your addictive behavior or encourage the use of substances you’re avoiding. If these emotions become excessive, they can hold you back from recovery. If you are trying to...
Creating your elevator pitch
There is no better place in the world to have a captive audience than in an elevator. The person standing next to you on the elevator for the next 30 seconds could be a new client tomorrow. But, you will never know unless you make an impression on the person. How do...
We start the conversation, you continue it.
“We start the conversation, you continue it.” When you're looking for an integrative digital marketing management package, you'll want only the best services. You want a team that knows exactly what needs to be done to increase your social media presence, generate...
The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event.
The Benefits of Arriving Early to an Event. It is my opinion that when you arrive early for an event, it can be quite beneficial. In this article I will list five of these benefits and explain why they are important. 1. You are likely to be placed at a table near the...
What to do with the business cards you collect
Introduction to "What to do with the business cards you collect" Business cards are great tokens that you might receive at a convention or meeting. However, it is not always clear what is the best course of action once you have them. Let us take a look at what to do...
Working the room!
An Introduction to "Working the Room" Meetings and conventions are exciting times to meet new people and strike conversations. However, this can be a difficult task if you're not accustomed to getting out of your comfort zone. Let's take a look at how to work the room...
How to Increase Brand Awareness Using Social Media
How to Increase Brand Awareness Using Social Media In today’s marketing and advertising realm, your brand is the heartbeat of your business. If your company is fun and flirty, metrics-minded, or start-up centric, it won’t matter unless the essence of your brand is...
Making you an expert in your field
Making you an expert in your field "Some people probably have already reached impressive proficiency in their skills, but they don’t know how to get people to know of them." - Wilson Alvarez How can you become a knowledgeable expert in your field? As you start to...
Essential Steps to Video Blogging
Essential Steps to Video Blogging Video blogging has become an essential part of marketing your business. Reaching out to your customers through video blogging allows them to become closer to you and helps to build a loyal relationship. You will be surprised that a...